
3rd Eye



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Camera Satellite Tags

a reality

Hen Harrier – Photo Alain Belthazard


3rd Eye Technology (3ET) exists to design a camera satellite tag – CamTag® – to help capture images of those responsible for the illegal killing of Birds of Prey (BoP) here in the UK. None of the UK’s Raptor species are exempt from persecution. Imagine a backpack so small, with a built in camera on it, able to transmit clear images and accurate coordinates via satellites in as near real time as possible. PROJECT CamTag® aims to develop this innovative concept using ground-breaking state of the art technology for BoP from Eagles to Hen Harriers.

If you are as outraged as 3ET about the systematic eradication of some of the UK’s most iconic Birds of Prey, then join our cause to help find a solution. Hen Harriers are one of our rarest, and along with Red Kites, Golden & White-tailed Eagles, Goshawks, Common Buzzards, they continually fall victim to persecution on and around Driven Grouse Moors. Current satellite tags have proved an invaluable tool in highlighting patterns of where these birds are disappearing and when and where the birds were last recorded. 3ET wants to take this a step further and capture photographic evidence of the perpetrators illegally killing our BoP.

Not only are BoP killed, hundreds of thousands of other animals die, on intensely managed Grouse moor estates, even on those parts of our uplands that are National Parks & designated SSSI’s (see here) For Driven Grouse shooting to exist, the land managers need to kill virtually anything else that could conflict with them trying to increase truly wild Red Grouse levels way above their natural limit. For instance, Short Eared and Barn Owls, Foxes, Stoats, Weasels, Mountain Hare to name just a few succumb to the killing, then there are the non-target ‘bycatch’, those caught in illegally set rail or bridge traps like Merlin, Ring Ouzel, Starling, Song Thrush and more.

But it isn’t only the uplands where shooting, poisoning and trapping of our BoP takes place. The RSPB believes that there has not been a county in the UK untouched by raptor persecution between 2007-2021.

3ET wants to explain its project to you as clearly as possible, the following pages contain information and facts based on sound science and proven data, with links to further information. If you think we could have explained anything better or have missed anything that you would like to know about, please contact us!

Please like this site, follow, share and interact with our blog and on our Twitter feed @Raptor3ET .

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Wild Justice

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Raptor Aid

Join our community & help make Camera Satellite Tags a reality


Join our community & help make Camera Satellite Tags a reality